What the Heck Do You Know? The Sequel!

Literally thousands of people have commented on the last survey, but we decided to publish another one anyway. As with the previous surveys, please consider your answers carefully when filling it out, then throw the whole thing away. Do not bring it to our office and FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE DON'T CUT ALONG THE BROKEN LINE! Neither Les Pages aux Folles, its airs or assigns accept responsibility for defective surveys.

1) Who are you?
2) If you could be anybody in the world, who would you be?
3) Why would you want to be that person?
4) What would you do in case of nuclear attack?
5) Which of the following oaths do you prefer?
6) What really happened to Jack and Jill?
7) Where have all the good times gone?
8) How did you like the apocalypse?
9) How's your love life?
10) What is the opiate of the masses?
11) Who is Peter Euberroth?
12) How can you afford classes at university?
14) Why is there no question 13?
15) How do you make venetian blinds?
16) What is your idea of heaven?
17) How long is it?
18) Where were you when Kennedy was shot?
19) Are we not men?
20) Where can you find fun, frivolity and a social conscience?