The Daily Me - Chix Digit Al

Thank you, Chix Digit Al, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Al, can we ask you something? You know, fake news digest to online pseudonym? What are the chix actually digiting? We've heard this phrase over and over again in our peregrinations around the Internet, but nobody ever explains what it means. If you could just give us a hint, anything to put us on the right path, well, we'd be really grateful.

The Daily Me Staff

Why Is It That The Yiddish Words Most Often Used In English Are All Rude?

So, Mike has disappeared? Well, GOOD RIDDANCE, I say. The schmuck couldn't even get the basic facts straight: he continued to argue that the twin towers came down because of government rockets long after it was accepted in the broader conspiracy community that it was actually space aliens that destroyed the World Trade Centre in order to teach humanity a little lesson in humility. Mike could've used a little lesson in humility, you ask me. PUTZ!

SOURCE: Gerald's Next To Penultimate Conspiracy Page


Anything at all. It's not that we're desperate or anything. We're just curious. That's us. Just naturally want to know everything. We appreciate it.

The Daily Me Staff

A Perfect Example Of The Law Of The Unintended Consequences Of Conservative Ideology

Officials at Citizenship and Immigration Canada have stopped processing new immigrant applications; they are waiting until visa offices are given instructions on how to interpret regulations just passed by Parliament. Thus, immigration reforms that were supposed to ease the backlog of applications, will, at least in the next few months, increase it.

The Absurd Ironyometer isn't concerned about being deported, but it is looking for its passport, birth certificate and good neighbour award, just to be on the safe side.

SOURCE: Big Alex' Domesday Countdown Page


God's Social Coordinator Has A Wicked Sense Of Humour

"Mugabe believes he's 'appointed by God'" - Toronto Star

"Americans put faith in God, survey finds" - Toronto Star

SOURCE: Billy-Bob's International House O' Headlines


Could It Be That Your Mother Just Has Good Taste?

MONDAY: It's a good thing that evolution has made us think that babies are cute, because, if it hadn't, they would all be strangled in their cribs. Then, who would take care of us in our old age?

TUESDAY: Comedian George Carlin has died. The FCC breathes more easily tonight.

WEDNESDAY: So, like, I was hanging out in the mall with Margie and there was this guy who was walking up and down. At first, I didn't get it, until I noticed how close he was to girls walking in front of him. When the place got quiet, he sat down and gave Margie this intense stare. I wanted to shout at him: "Man, don't you know that Internet porn was made for guys like you?" Instead, we left.

THURSDAY: My mother saw Coldplay on The Daily Show last night and loved them! I guess that's the end of that band, then.

FRIDAY: Is it just me, or is Lou Dobbs resembling Joseph McCarthy more and more every day?

SATURDAY: The first chemistry tests from Mars show that its soil could be good enough to grow crops like asparagus and green beans. This will be good to know when Earth's soil can't.

SUNDAY: If you don't give a rat a reward when it pushes a lever, it will stop pushing the lever (and, eventually, starve to death). If you give the rat a reward every time it pushes the lever, it will learn to push the lever when it is hungry. If you give the rat a reward at random when it pushes the lever, it will learn to push the lever all the time in hope of getting the reward whenever it can. And, isn't that just like life?

SOURCE: Random Thoughts and Blood Clots


First, We Take Municipal Affairs, Then, We Take Berlin

John Smitherman has been given every portfolio in Ontario's Liberal cabinet. "George is a driver," a senior government source stated. "He's a go-getter. He's the person who will see that the province runs smoothly."

Premier Dalton McGuinty added: "We're hoping that he will stop growling at us in cabinet meetings. It's really...unnerving, the growling."

SOURCE: aye Weakly


Oh, Sure - And, Hitler's Dog Was Jewish

His opponent won the first ballot, but he insisted on a run-off election. At least 80 people who support his opponent have been murdered, 10,000 injured and 200,000 driven from their homes. He has threatened violence if he loses, claiming that God ahs chosen him to lead the country. Fearing for his life, his opponent has fled the country. The United Nations has condemned the violence, saying that it makes it "impossible for a free and fair election to take place." Despite all of this, Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe insists that the run-off election must take place as scheduled.

You have to admire Mugabe's dedication to the democratic process.

SOURCE: Daily Semaphore


There's Funny Ha Ha, And Then There's Funny Oh My God You Just Threatened To Applaud The Assassination Of A Presidential Contender!

"And now we have what some are reading as a suggestion that somebody knock off Osama - Obama. Well, both, if we could." - former New York bureau chief of the Washington Times Liz Trotta on Fox News

SOURCE: No Comment Quotes


Hey! I'm An Artist! - Relativism Comes With The Territory


One of the statements below was made by a proud patriot. The other was made by a craven terrorist. Can you tell which is which?

STATEMENT ONE: We're at war with people who don't look like us, people who don't dress like us and people who don't believe what we believe in. Some people say we should negotiate with them, but you cannot negotiate with vicious, violent savages. If we don't defend ourselves from the Islamo-fascist aggressors, they will destroy our way of life!

STATEMENT ONE: We're at war with people who don't look like us, people who don't dress like us and people who don't believe what we believe in. Some people say we should negotiate with them, but you cannot negotiate with vicious, violent savages. If we don't defend ourselves from the American and allied aggressors, they will destroy our way of life!

ANSWER: It depends upon which side you're on.

SOURCE: Politics For Dummies
