They're Dead To The World - Oh, Wait...


James MacArthur, Danno of the original Hawaii Five-O "Book 'em, Danno!" fame has died at the age of 72. The official explanation for his death is natural causes, so embarrassment at the quality of the current Hawaii Five-O remake probably had nothing to do with it.

It Could Be Worse: Charlie Could Have Been Shot to Death By A Jealous Husband

Charlie the smoking chimp, who was once hooked on cigarettes because visitors to Blomefontein Zoo kept offering them to him, has died at the relatively advanced age of 52. The cause of death appears to be old age.

"I know that seems unfair," said municipal spokesman Qondile Khedama, "but that's just because it looks that way."

Collect 12 Box Tops, Send Them To The Address Below And Get A Free - Oh, That's Gross!

At the age of 59, Alex Chilton, lead singer for the band The Box Tops, has received the ultimate letter.

Didn't He - No...Wait, But, He...He...I Got Nothing...

Ernie Harwell has died at the age of 82. I never heard him on radio or saw him on television. In fact, I'm not exactly sure what he did. But, he was fabulous.

If Ever There Was A Time To Use The Wayback Machine...

The city of Frostbite Falls mourns the death of Alexander Anderson Jr. who, at the age of 90, succumbed to Alzheimer's Disease. RCMP representative Dudley Do-Right said that fowl play was out of the question. "Now vat ve doink?" asked a long-time admirer who asked to be identified only by his first name, "Boris." "Wanna watch me pull a rabbit out of a hat?" replied a talking moose. Everybody moaned.

Prompting The Public Response: Sony Was Still Making Them?

The Sony Walkman has died at the age of 31 of advanced technological and social change. In its time, it brought pleasure to millions of people, although in recent years its star had been eclipsed by CDs and, ultimately, the iPod. Foul play is not suspected at this time, although the iPod had both motive and opportunity.

Then Keanu Reeves Had To Go And Ruin It All

Patricia Neal has died of lung cancer at the age of 84. The Earth stood still.

And, The Singer Wasn't Joan Sutherland

At the age of 83, the fat lady has sung for Joan Sutherland.

He's Not Dead, He Has Just Segwayed Into A Different Aspect Of Life

Jimi Heselden, owner of the company that makes the Segway, died when his vehicle fell off a cliff. The company issued a brief statement about how unfortunate his death was, and assured the public that it was already looking into building small umbrellas into every vehicle.

He Had His Tentacles Into Everything!

Paul the Octopus has died in his aquarium. No cause of death has so far been released, but, given his uncanny ability to predict the winners of sports events, bookies around the world have to be considered prime suspects.

Fortunately, She Trained Them Well

Barbara Billingsley, who played June Cleaver on Leave It To Beaver, has died at the age of 94. Now, the pots will have to scrub themselves!

If I Didn't Know Any Better, I Would Swear That Somebody Had It In For Television's Nuclear Family!

Actor Tom Bosley has died of heart failure at the age of 88. Bosley was probably best known as the man who inspired the unseen boss on the television show Charlie's Angels.

Promiscuous Sex Obviously Not The Path To Eternal Life

Bob Guccione, publisher of science magazine Omni, which frequently published articles on human immortality has died. He was only 79 years old.

Oh, and he also published pornography.

Tis a Puzzlement

Recreational mathematician trMnai dGrrane, a regular contributor to ctfiicinSe rciAmean, has died at the age of (4 x 25) - (XX / IV).

Pies Don't Just Fling Themselves, You Know

British comedian Norman Wisdom has died at the age of 95. Vaudeville is truly dead.

Officers Malloy And Reed Drove Around The Perimeter Of The Cemetery

Stephen J. Cannell has died at the age of 69. Jim Rockford read the eulogy at his funeral. John "Hannibal" Smith lurked in the background smoking his finest cigar. Officer Tom Hanson smoldered darkly at the gravesite. Police Commissioner Tony Scali said there was no question of foul play, although Detective Sergeant Rick Hunter felt in his gut that there was more to Cannell's death than they knew.