The Daily Me - Mel Mermelstein

Thank you, Mel Mermelstein, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, Hostess filed for bankruptcy protection. No more Twinkies! No more Ho Hos! No more Ding Dongs! The city of Dingburg has declared January 11th a day of mourning.

The Daily Me Staff

Blood (From A Stone) Drive

Andrine Sarpatha had aced the written test. She had driven at the speed limit and merged into traffic with the best of them. Hell, she parallel parked to perfection. Yet, a year and a half after she passed the test, when she was stopped because the rear left light on her car appeared to be blinking the lyrics to the theme song from "The Man from Atlantis," Sarpatha was told that she did not have a valid driver's license.

Apparently, Service Alberta, which administers the licensing of drivers in the province, had stopped recognizing licenses granted to women who came from countries that did not allow women to drive. Sarpatha came from Saudi Arabia. Case closed.

Alberta Premier Alison Redford, responding to the outrage that followed Sarpatha's public arrest, held a press conference in which she stated: "My goodness, I have no idea how such a thing could possibly have happened. I mean, I said that I would not reopen the issue of immigrant driving. And, I meant it. Well, I wouldn't reopen it publicly, anyway. Okay, cat's out of the bag and, in order to salvage my public image, let me just say that the province will honour all licenses that have been previously issued!"

Dan Savage was unavailable for comment.

SOURCE: The Irrational


I Of Newt

Newt Gingrich won the South Carolina primary with 40 per cent of the vote, to Mitt Romney's 28 per cent. Gingrich was magnanimous in victory.

"That scum-sucking, corporation destroying, job killing bottom feeder tried his best to screw me over with an avalanche of attack ads," Gingrich stated, "but my inherent intellectual and moral superiority won the day!"

Well, magnanimous for Gingrich, anyway.



Some Regions Of The Human Psyche Are Better Left Unexplored By Art

How on Earth does reducing arts funding make Toronto "shallower, meaner and more narrow-minded?" I was shallow, mean and narrow-minded before the funding cuts, and I assure you that, as far as I'm concerned, they change nothing!

SOURCE: Toronto Startle


When Bad Questionnaire Design Happens To Good Web Sites

2 Fast, 2 Phineas) Who just dropped out of the Republican Presidential nominee race? a) Rick Perry
b) Rick Parry
c) Ric Ocasek
d) Tyler Perry
e) Perry the Platypus

3D images at 2D prices!) Why? a) he started an international incident when he called Turkey's leaders Islamic terrorists and said they should be kicked out of NATO
b) his campaign released an ad which claimed that there's something wrong in America because gays can join the military but schoolchildren aren't allowed to celebrate Christmas
c) he gave a rambling, barely coherent 25 minute speech at a Cornerstone event in New Hampshire
d) when asked which three governmental agencies he would end, he quickly named the first two and then just stopped. He scrambled for a few moments, desperately attempting to remember the third one. Eventually, he offered up: "Oops."
e) you mean, I have to choose just one?

SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles


Two Broke Up

The debate over the series Two Broke Gays rages on.

"Look, I'm black," said series creator Salman Flushdie during a press opportunity for the show. "I'm putting in black stereotypes every week. I don't find it offensive...I subject people of all races, religions, creeds, genders to the same shallow treatment. What could be fairer than that?""

But does being a member of a disenfranchised group give a writer carte blanche to make fun of other traditionally disenfranchised groups?

"I would say that you could rephrase that," Flushdie said. "Does being a comedy writer give you an excuse to laugh at people who have traditionally had little power in society? And, I would answer: it's better than laughing at them for no good reason!"

SOURCE: Ukrainian TV Guide


Detention Diary: The Rabbit Hole Is A Tight Fit


This is how interrogation goes.

"You should know that we are planning to bring charges against you."

"Charges of what?"


"What crimes?"

"Serious crimes."

"What serious crimes?"

"You will be told at the appropriate time."

"When will the appropriate time be?"

"After you're convicted."

I have to think about that one for a moment.

"Do I get a lawyer?"

"Of course you get a lawyer. The right to legal representation is a cornerstone of our justice system."

"So, who will represent me?"

"I can't tell you."

"Can I speak to my lawyer?"

"Certainly. When you go to trial. Probably. Maybe. We'll see."

"Isn't the right to timely legal representation the cornerstone of our justice system?"

"Sure. But, the justice system does require a certain…flexibility where certain crimes are concerned."

"What crimes?"

"Serious crimes."

"What serious crimes?"

"You will be told at the appropriate time." Pause. "Of course, things would be a lot easier if you would just confess."

"How can I confess if you won't tell me what crimes I am being accused of?"

"Oh, are you going to be difficult, now? When you go to Confession, do you expect the Priest to tell you what sins you should be confessing?"

"In the first place, Priests don't usually hold parishioners in cells for weeks at a time. In the second place, I'm not Cath -" I trailed off when I saw the interrogator shake his head sadly. "I'm not - uhh…I…" The interrogator nodded towards the door, and the guard unshackled me and led me back to my cell.

I didn't understand. Why bring religion up if you don't want me to talk about it?

SOURCE: Harpo's


It's Certainly Not A Definition Charlie Sheen Would Recognize

The loser in the New Hampshire primary has to be Mitt Romney. Despite maintaining a second home in the state where moderate Republicans dominate the primary electorate, he only beat Ron Paul by 14 points.

"He couldn't make the 20 point spread," a Las Vegas bookie who insisted he was not Karl Rove commented. "He practically handed the nomination to Ron Paul!"

Romney, doing the deer caught in headlights thing that he has perfected on the nomination trail, responded, "is this some kind of new definition of winning that I'm not aware of?"

SOURCE: Deadline News Network


He's The Brisbane Of Our Existence

New York Times public editor Arthur Brisbane asked readers whether reporters should question the validity of what sources tell them in their stories in a piece called "Should The Times Be a Truth Vigilante?" Clearly, Brisbane understands that everybody settles.

What you want: an investigation of the truth. What you'll settle for: an explication of both sides of an issue. What you'll get: stenography.

SOURCE: Les Pages aux Folles



On Tuesday, Girls Gone Wild and two dozen other porn sites on the Internet went dark. By Thursday, SOPA, the law they were protesting, was dead in Congress.

"The law was too broad," said Girls Gone Wild creator Joe Francis from a hot tub in an undisclosed location. "It would have given the government a stranglehold on Internet communications, and the only proper place for a stranglehold is a mud wrestling pit!

"This is a great day for those who like to watch naked people do stupid things over the Internet!"

SOURCE: Geekly News & World Report
