The Daily Me - Barabbas Berkeley

Thank you, Barabbas Berkeley, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. Then, we learned about the Justice Department's secret investigations of the communications of journalists. Hey! Hey! No need to get all verklempt! This has been blown way out of proportion! It is scary to think that reporters will have to do their job never knowing if a government agent is looking over their shoulder. No! No! No! No! No! We're only looking for leaks of sensitive government information. Journalists are not the target - leakers are! Journalists have nothing to worry about! This could have a seriously detrimental effect on the ability of journalists to do their jobs: who is going to want to talk to a reporter if they suspect that whatever they say will be overheard by a government agent? Pfft! Like any of you guys do any real reporting these days! Aah, we mean: War on Terror! War on Terror! War on Terror! In the War on Terror! you have to expect some sacrifices to be made...

The Daily Me Staff

They Were Allowed To Stay And "Investigate" Until They Got Bored (Which, For Most Of Then, Was Under Two Minutes)

Members of the Senate's anti-terrorism committee were not given access to the most sensitive documents because they did not have sufficient security clearance. However, according to the chair of the committee, this does not mean that they were unable to do their job of overseeing Communications Security Establishment Canada.

"We were blindfolded, led out of Parliament and shoved into a van," explained Conservative Senator Hugh Segal. "We were driven around for close to an hour - it may have been straight or it may have been in circles to confuse us - I have no way of knowing. When we stopped, we were led into a building. The room we were brought into sounded really busy, with lots of people rushing around, computer keyboards clacking and the occasional chair scraping on the floor. Really busy. So we figured they were doing a good job keeping Canadians safe."

SOURCE: Glob and Maul


You're Unique - Just Like The Million Other People Who Bought Our Cars

Different makes people uncomfortable.

Different doesn't do what it's told.

Different doesn't do what everybody else is doing.

Different doesn't do what everybody else knows is right.

Different stands out from the pack.

Different is scary.

Different will make you an embarrassment to your children and stain you with a stigma that you will spend the rest of your stress-shortened life trying to overcome.




If The American Justice Department Gets Its Way...

Australian radio host Howard Sattler was fired after he repeatedly asked Prime Minister Julia Gillard if her partner Tim Mathieson was gay because he was a hairdresser.

Gillard, who faces an election in three months that polls say she will lose, did not help her cause by shooting back the question of whether Sattler was a castrato because he was a journalist.

SOURCE: Daily Semaphore


It Was A Merciless Killing

9pm. CTV. CSI: Ottawa. A plan to have civilian oversight of the national police force is found bludgeoned to death in a dumpster behind the Parliament buildings. All evidence points to the Prime Minister's Office, but will Dussell and his crew be willing to follow it wherever it may lead?

SOURCE: Ukrainian TV Guide


Unless He Added, "And, I Know A Lot About Rockets," In Which Case He Would Have Been Given A Free Pass

Michael Karkoc has been living in Minnesota since just after the end of World War II despite the fact that he was a top Nazi commander in the SS. According to records, he lied about his service to gain entry into the United States.

People are outraged, but this should come as no surprise. If he had said, "I was head of a unit that burned villages filled with women and children, but I'm much better now," his application to enter the country might have been given closer scrutiny.

SOURCE: Deadline News Network


Jackie Of All Trades

We went to Toronto to see Asian film star Jackie Chan introduce his new movie, Chinese Zodiac, at the Bell Lightbox. He's the one on the left...unless he's the one on the right. It can be hard to tell at this dist - no, he's the one on the right. Just after I took this photo, he gave us a demonstration of his kung fu prowess by beating the crap out of programmer/interviewer Noah Cowan.

Oh, yeah. He may be getting older, but he's still got it!

SOURCE: Jennifer's Brain Blorts


The Harper Government Of Canada's Response To The Senate Spending Scandal In Easy To Follow Verse

R. B. Bennett
Never Had to Deal With the Senate

Liberal Mac Harb
Took it too far
Turncoat Patrick Wazeau
Took too much for passing Go

On the other hand, Conservative Pamela Wallin
May have gone all in
But her investigation we will be stalling

And, Conservative Mike Duffy
Is fluffy
So no need to get huffy

SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered


Every Rose Must Have Its Thrones

Didja hear about the watchmaker who created a timepiece based on the TV series Game of Thrones? The alarm wakes you up by decapitating one of your family members!

SOURCE: Jimmy Kippel - Live! (On Tape Delay)


The Gripes Of Rathgeber

Alberta MP Brent Rathgeber said he felt "liberated" after he quit the Conservative caucus. "Not in a Martin Luther King, 'Free at last! Free at last! Thank god almighty, I'm free at last!' kind of way," Rathgeber allowed. "Or, even in the Mosesian 'Let my people go!' kind of way, although I have had a soft spot in my heart for him ever since the whole throwing down the tablets incident. No, more in the touchy-feely, New Age kind of personal liberation way. The 'if Enya had ever come out from under the thumb of the Canadian Prime Minister's Office' way."

Rathgeber quit because a private members bill he had introduced that would openly disclose the salaries of public servants making over $188,000 was changed in committee to make public the salaries of public servants making over a jillion gabillion dollars. "And, I'm pretty sure not even Pamela Wallin makes that much money," Rathgeber stated. "Pretty sure..."

SOURCE: The Irrational
