Bigots Without Borders #609

Bigots Without Borders/Haine Raciale Sans Frontieres
May 4-May 11


The office cat, Robert E. Giggles, died. He was the only feline any of us ever owned who would howl whenever Martin Luther King's "I have a dream" speech was played on the radio or TV. He will be missed.


Who says that racism doesn't benefit the community? The Ku Klux Klan has started to offer its services as a kind of neighbourhood watch in this American state. Of course (wink wink) they say they will protect all ethnicities equally (nod nod). They have to to be taken seriously in a national climate hostile to hatred. Still, anybody who knows their charter...or past history...or recent history, for that matter, will know who they are really interested in protecting...

Doing well by doing good - not just for socialist bastards any more!


So. Mayor Rob Ford. We're not cool with the whole drug thing - let the lesser races destroy themselves with clack or frack or whatever the latest illegal substance is. White men kill our brain cells the old fashioned way - with alcohol. But, in the middle of the latest kerfuffle, did anybody notice Ford say he wouldn't support another politician because he decided to "agree with the gays?"

Finally! We always suspected that Ford was homophobic because of the way he always avoided the Gay Pride Parade with excuses like "I have to spend time with my dog" and "I will have to go to the hospital that day because I...I plan on having a splinter." This is the first time, though, that he has openly stated his feelings.

If only more politicians took such a brave stand, maybe we could get past the social stigma that has dogged homophobia for decades.


The National basketball Association has banned Donald Sterling from the sport and is trying to strip him of his ownership of the Los Angeles Clippers. Why? Because he allegedly told a woman who may or may not have been his mistress not to bring black men to games where his team played or have any picture of her taken with them posted to Instagram.

Donald Sterling! A man who feeds and clothes and houses thirty black men every year! He's practically a one man urban renewal project! (Okay, their talent at putting a ball into a basket may have something to do with them being clothed and fed and stuff. In fact, some people argue that they are actually responsible for his wealth! Some people, man!) After all Sterling has done for black people, this is the thanks he gets? Public outrage?

Well, we see your outrage and raise you righteous anger. We demand an immediate boycott of all NBA games until all actions against Sterling are dropped. What? But - well, sure, we love basketball. Who doesn't? Still, it's the principle of - okay. We demand a boycott of all NBA games...immediately after the playoffs are over. And, before next season starts. That will teach the NBA...something...


The Supreme Court of the United States of America has ruled that affirmative action programmes are no longer necessary because racism has been eliminated in that country. Does this decision mean racism is dead? Perish the thought!

Racism is ingrained in the American psyche. The cop who stops men for driving fancy cars while black? That's racism. Whites who shoot black youth because they're afraid of what they might do with their concealed jelly beans? Racism. Giving your white cousin a job even though there was a more qualified black person? Okay, that's nepotism, although some racism is implied. The fact that the percentage of the prison population that is black is over twice the percentage of blacks in the country's population? Racism. Definitely racism.

Let's be honest: racism is as American as apple pie. No wishful thinking by the Supreme Court will change that.


There are some crazy ideas floating around about "freedom of speech." We thought we should clarify our position on this.

If it means anything, freedom of speech means we can say whatever we want free from consequence. If others don't share our view of blacks, yellows, browns or any other colours in the Crayola box of race, they can just shut up about it, because we're right.

We trust this is now clear.


Bigots Without Borders/Haine Raciale Sans Frontieres Bulletin (c) 2014 by International Disharmony, Inc. All rights reserved...for straight white males.