Crazy? It's in the Bag!

Besides, Everybody Knows That If Men Could Marry Objects, They Would Choose Their Cars (And See Their Lawnmowers On The Side)

Well, you know, if it's a caring, sharing lawnmower that is a good provider for the family, who are we to tell somebody that marrying it is wrong? I do wonder, though: if there is a divorce between a man and his lawnmower, who would get the lawn care products?

No, scratch that. What I really wonder is: what kind of demented imagination do you have to have to believe anybody would want to marry a lawnmower when weed whackers are so much sexier? Unlike my other question, this one has an answer: Republican Representative Steve King.

Okay, I get it. When you read the part in the New Testament where Jesus says, "Love thy neighbour," you see an asterisk that leads to a passage that reads: "* Except if he's queer, a woman or a liberal, in which case, hate away." Nobody else in the real world sees those asterisks (it takes a lot to annotate all the times Jesus talked about love); fortunately, there's a whole suburb in the Bag of Crazy for people who do.

In jurisdictions where gay marriage has been legal for many years, there has never, to my knowledge, been a marriage between a man and a lawnmower, weed whacker or other lawn maintenance product; it is unlikely that the Supreme Court's ruling in Obergefell v. Hodges will lead to anything like it. I have no doubt, however, that King is already writing the asterisk for that troublesome fact.

It Makes A Welcome Change From The Christian Crazy

Such a nice Jewish boy, to say such a mean thing about such a nice Jewish girl - oy!

Sarah Silverman tweeted: "Abortion is still legal in the great U.S of A. It would be insane not to use fetal tissue 4 science & education in such cases." Right wing...talking person Ben Shapiro responded with the above.

This altercation came because of right wing media releasing heavily edited video that made it look like members of Planned Parenthood were killing babies to sell their body parts. Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben, Ben - does that sound like anything to you? Think about it. Seriously, search your little keppelach. No? It doesn't sound, in tone and intent, like the Blood Libel that has caused Jews so much tsuris for centuries?

Oy, indeed! Why would it even enter your kop to say something like that?

Where is this coming from? Fetuses are not human beings - those nice goyim on the Supreme Court of the United States made that quite clear years ago. To take Shapiro's position, you have to believe that human life begins at conception, but that's not a Jewish idea, it's a Christian idea. A zealously Christian idea. The kind of Christian who, to put it kindly, does not have a favourable impression of Jews.

Is this really the type of person you want to ally yourself with, boychick?

Shapiro could just be demagoguing the whole issue, of course, but I suspect there is genuine meshuggeh in the lad.

Somewhere In All That Verbiage Is A Pot Calling A Kettle Crazy

One of America's greatest strengths is the way it embraces various points of view. For example, one person says, "In the aftermath of [INSERT NAME OF LATEST LOCATION WHERE BLACKS WERE SLAUGHTERED BY A WHITE MAN WITH A POLITICAL AGENDA AND FIREARMS], it's time we had an adult conversation on racism in this country." Then, another person says, "Nah nah nah nah nah nah, I'm not gonna talk about it and you can't make me! Pfffft!" It's hard to see how a new Hegelian synthesis can be created out of these two positions, but nobody said democracy was easy.

Certainly not Fox News...whatever laughable euphemism they call their haters these days Erick Erickson. He knows who was responsible for the mass shooting at a black church in Charleston, North Carolina: Caitlyn Jenner. The transgender woman did not directly take part in the shooting, or indirectly take part in the shooting, or have any connection whatsoever to the shooting, but - hey! Look! Over there! Something evil!

Clearly, you're ready for an adult conversation about what really happened in Charleston.

Erick, Erick, Erick, Erick, Erick. Racism, Erick. It was racism. Raaaaaaaaciiiiiisssssmmmmm. Racism! Racism! Racism! R. A. C. I. S. M. Racism! Look it up in the dictionary! Do I need to spell it out for you? Again?

The denial is strong in this one...