Is It Better To Be Loved Or Feared?
Headlines Have The Answer

Fear the Economy

"G20 leaders privately share economic fears about Trump"2
"Fears, fantasies and the fate of NAFTA"2

"Netflix soars past slowdown fears"1

"Rate fears send markets into tailspin"2
"Time to end these wild markets
Fear of missing out is more than just millennial slang - it's causing widespread, insufferable silliness"2
"Competition fears hurt J&J price on market"1
"Executives fear protectionism
Only 12% of business leaders think conditions in North America, Europe will improve in next five years"2

"Statscan fears consumer price index's relevancy is threatened"2

"Housing sales slow as 'fear of missing out' fades"2

"Toronto protesters slam U.S. pipeline project
Backlash comes over fears of North Dakota line rupture poisoning major watershed"1
"Fears of halt in crude output rise on Saudi minister's comments"2
"Fears over pipeline expansion
More attacks likely, company prez says"3

"The mining disaster that wasn't
Sudbury's experience of high wages and continued prosperity should quell fears about foreign acquisitions of Canadian mining assets"2

"Reguly: Algorithm may have exaggerated pound's fall, but it was based on real fears"2

"Trump effect bolsters the bros of Wall Street
Women fear election dialogue will widen male-female divide in the workplace, survey finds"1

Fear is Personal

"Guide dog flap sparks discrimination fears"3

"Golden years bring fears for woman bridging gap
Betty worries travel, renovations may drain her retirement savings"1

"Is home-schooling making the grade?
As Alberta cracks down on one operator over questionable practices, some supporters fear an erosion of parental rights"2

"'I now live in fear'
Victim shaken as docs urge release of deranged killer"3

"Canadians are right to fear housing froth, but we can't skin the mortgage lenders"2

Fear for Your Health

"Autism program wrong for children, panel told province
Clinical experts feared age cap on treatment could hurt vulnerable kids, documents show"1

"Tests support fentanyl contamination fears"2

"Salmon recalled over listeria fears"1

"Florida Zika cases spark fear, but no travel warning"1

"If you fear calling in sick, then 'something is wrong'"1

Fear the Other

"Gay asylum seeker fears for life if deported"1
"For Gays, the Dread Returns"4

"Leitch: proposal criticized for tapping into 'anti-immigrant fears'"2
"Ahmadiyya Muslims find freedom in Canada
Members of the community are able to practise their religion without fear of persecution, unlike in other places such as Pakistan"2
"K'naan wants show to dispel myths of Muslims, Somalis
But critics fear HBO series could stoke Islamophobia"1
"Critics wary of migrant surveillance
Fear border agency plans for alternatives to detention could lead to privacy abuses"1

Fear Politics

"Sometimes terrorism fears overblown"1
"Time for Tories to stop pandering to fear, hate"1

"The founders always feared a Trump"2
During a visit to the city where Donald Trump made the statement that challenged the foundations of U. S. democracy, Ian Brown tries to sort through the shamelessness and destabilization of a presidential campaign like no other"2
"Fears of an American decline are premature"2

"How fear and loathing are stalking the American left"1

"Trudeau warns against politics of fear in UN speech"2
"Fear factor casting wide shadow on ties with Canada"2

"As Britain fares better than expected, some ask if 'project fear' overblown"2
Fear, frustration add to election tumult
With six months until the country chooses its next president, all bets are off as to who will follow the much-criticized Hollande"2
"Sarkozy and the fear factor"2
"Colombia: 'There's a lot of fear and a lot of mistrust'"2

"City staff need to give real advice
Right now, it seems civil servants are suffering from the fear of recommending the unacceptable"1

"Badawi supporters fear flogging will resume"1

Fear Justice

"White House fears justice for the 'war on terror'"1
"Inquiry into Camp aims to set precedent
Justice Minister who complained about the judge's conduct in a 2014 rape case says she doesn't want victims to fear the courts"2
"Province wants residents to be able to speak without fear of lawsuits"1

"Scientists push to express views without fear of reprisals"2

Fear Everything

"Fear of cybercrime spikes in Britain following Tesco Bank heist"2

Says fundamental right is being smothered by political correctness at U of T"3

"Breaking the myth of the green monster
Grassroots group is working to change misconceptions about the Thorncliffe Park ravine as residents avoid it out of fear"1

"Rio Looks Beyond Olympics
Residents fear violence will remain when soldiers go home. "4

"Quake survivors fear city won't be rebuilt"2

"I smell happiness, with a touch of fear"1


1. Toronto Star
2. Globe and Mail
3. Toronto Sun
4. New York Times