The Daily Me - Barbarella Tarantella

Thank you, Barbarella Tarantella, for signing up for The Daily Me. Our search engine has combed the Internet for up to the minute news items that fit the profile you have so painstakingly filled out for us. Then, we weighted the probability that you would be interested in these articles against forms which showed what people with tastes similar to yours have liked reading in the past. And, then, we were concerned about what message Dunkin' Donuts was trying to convey by shortening its name to "Dunkin'." Then, somebody informed us that it wasn't about to become an opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber. They pointed out that if it was about to become an opera by Andrew Lloyd Webber, the new name would actually be: "Dunkin!"

We have never been so delighted to have the latest corporate branding silliness explained to us in our lives!

The Daily Me Staff

Umm...When We Say Yes To Giving Up Everything Worth Protecting?

When will Canada give up its destructive policies of protecting farmers and culture and stop getting in the way of achieving a fair and balanced new NAFTA? I mean, if TV shows about milk are so important, they'll get enough viewers to pay for themselves, so why protect them in international trade agreements?

Oh, sure, President Trump has said that he wouldn't make any concessions to Canadians because, well, reasons. (Those who say Fox News using an excerpt from "Blame Canada" as a stinger are responsible for the President's position are just jealous they've never written a song that influenced the most important person in the world.) But, really, just because you're negotiating a trade agreement with somebody who has the willingness to compromise of a three year-old, when will Canada stop giving him reasons to say no?

SOURCE: Ottawa Stunned


"Less If You Factor In The Increased Clout Of The Suburbs..."

In these rancourous and divided times, it can be difficult to get people to vote in elections. This is especially true in local elections, where the stakes most directly affect citizens, but which nonetheless garner all of the excitement of a Jacuzzi full of shucked oyster shells.

It's hard to understand, therefore, how Toronto expects to motivate the electorate with its current election slogan: "Your vote counts...for 52% of what it used to count for..."

SOURCE: The Quick and the Detwiler


Oddly Enough, Half The Staff In My Office Are Among Them;
Unfortunately, I'm Stuck With Ben Sasse :-(

A new poll out tonight shows that 48 per cent of voters believe that the Senate should not confirm Brett Kavanaugh as the new Supreme Court Justice, while. 42 per cent say Kavanaugh should be confirmed. The other 10 per cent are entered into an office pool about which Republican Senate Judiciary Committee member's head they think will explode first.

SOURCE: The Wawaneesa Group Monthly Newsletter


She's Definitely Not The Subject Of A George Michael Song, Although I Can Understand Your Confusion

As you might expect, Nazis have their own community (gated, of course) in the basket of deplorables, because it is the home of everybody who believes that it is virtuous to speak untruths against the powerless. The community is a hotbed of seething rage and paranoia - you could be forgiven for mistaking it for Alabama.

Why single out white supremacist Faith Goldy for attention, then? Aside from the fact that she has been seeking it? Because she has been successful at getting it. Whether it's a rally at Nathan Phillips Square in which the white supremacists were outnumbered by the mounted police, prompting an epic rant on YouTube about the lack of white nationalist solidarity, or having her picture taken with the Mayor of Toronto, Goldy has been bringing her message to the masses.

Her carefully worded message. I mean, scare quotes for the term white supremacy? Really? Because people from the third world (read: people of colour) will be supreme in their boarding houses and battered women's shelters? (And, what's with boarding houses, anyway? Does Goldy have a time machine that sends the rest of the world back to the 1880s?)

I believe in keeping the the basket of deplorables where she belongs.

SOURCE: Karl's Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism


If They Objected To Her Material, Could They Really Be Considered Her Fans?

Over a dozen angry fans walked or were kicked out of a performance by comedian Wanda Sykes for heckling when she opened with jokes about President Donald Trump.

Sykes was, not surprisingly, unrepentant. "I'm a woman," she stated. "I'm black. I'm political. Who did they think they were coming to see? [EXPLETIVE DELETED] Omarosa?"

SOURCE: Titters Comedy Club


Remember The Prime Minister Saying No Deal Was Better Than A Bad Deal?
I Guess Bad Rhetoric Was Better Than No Rhetoric At All...

Differences between Canadians and Americans, #237:

Headline in major Canadian newspapers: "Canada signs on to renegotiated NAFTA: Did dairy farmers get stabbed in the udders?"

Headline in major American newspapers: "Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh was involved in a bar fight when he was a teenager; President says, 'That's the kind of combative spirit that we need more of in this country!"

SOURCE: This 22 Minutes Feels Like An Hour


The Administration Doth Protest Too Much

Full (Of Crap) And Open (To Abuse)

The nomination of Brett Kavanaugh
Stuck in many people's craw
Sexual aggression while drunk seems to be his fatal flaw
So he shouldn't be on the Supreme Court (or even practice law)

The nomination seemed like a done deal
A life sentence, with no appeal
But when allegations of sexual misconduct were revealed
His background check had to be reopened (though not with zeal)

We want a full and open investigation
(Just not by the FBI! Not the FBI!)

To keep the lid on this nasty can
A list was drawn up by White House Council Don McGahn
To limit the witnesses who could be interviewed was the plan
In a brief one week span

We want a full and open investigation
(Hide the list! Hide the list!)

President Trump couldn't help but weigh in
Starting with the usual anti-Democratic spin
Publicly, he said the FBI could do a complete investigation
Privately, his administration only lifted a few minor limitations

We want a full and open investigation
(Is the week over, yet? Is the week over?)

Anita Hill was tragedy, this is farce
No matter how badly this nomination goes off course
As the allegations go from bad to worse
Mitch McConnell, a Senate vote will force

We want a full and open investigation
(No, we don't! No, we don't! No, we most certainly do not!)

SOURCE: Poetry, Cornered
