Deplorable is As Deplorable Does (And Later Denies)

False Flag On The Play

How is it that radio...cheese Rush Limbaugh doesn't get crushed under the weight of his own bullshit? Apparently, gravity works differently in the basket of deplorables than it does in the real world.

Limbuagh can spread conspiracy theories without a shred of evidence (or self-respect) all he wants, but outside of the basket things are pretty clear. The man who sent the bombs has been caught. He drove (and, it would appear, sometimes lived in) a van covered in pro-Trump messages, including the faces of prominent Democrats with targets on them (most of whom received their own little bundles of joy from him). He was not shy about going on social media and sharing his paranoid, racist worldview (social media is good for that). About the only way he could have made his position any clearer was to go on Limbaugh's show and perform a workshop on how to make pipe bombs!

On second thought, forget I said that. I really don't want to give Limbaugh any ideas.

When You Want Knee Jerk Racism, Louie Is Your Ghomert To Guy!

Have you ever had a word salad made up entirely of endives and bitter onions? Granted, that describes just about any speech by the President, but, apparently, that long, droning word train to nowhere has started to infect other members of his party.

Hmm...let's see what we've got. Blame Democrats for the actions of Republicans? Check. Insult their intelligence at the same time? Check. Threaten drastic action against desperate immigrants appearing at the southern border? Check. Accuse anybody who opposes your draconian political agenda of treason? Check. And, mate.

In less than two minutes, Texas Republican Representative Louie Gohmert has covered all the deplorable bases. Unfortunately, what in the basket of deplorables is a home run is, outside of it, a screaming line drive out.

Or, Be A Source Of Immense Pride
You Never Can Tell With Basket Dwellers

Do you remember the passage in the New Testament where Jesus called upon lawmakers to close rural hospitals and allow 300,000 citizens, including 30,000 veterans, to live without health care? I don't, either! Because it isn't there!

Ahem. According to Tennessee Republican State Senator Mark Green, though, there is a new GOP gospel. It's exactly like the gospels of Jesus, but without the empathy, compassion, common sense and decency.

And, the weird thing is that Jesus, the person Green wants his constituents to come to, healed all of the sick who came before him, regardless of their ability to pay. He was the first believer in universal health care! He was the first provider of socialized medicine! Ordinarily, Republicans would crucify a person with those beliefs; unfortunately for them, somebody beat them to it.

How deplorable is Mark Green? His Christian extremism was so toxic that he was forced to withdraw his name from consideration after being nominated by President Trump to be Secretary of the Army. Let that sink in for a moment. He was too extreme to get a position in the Trump administration.

That's gotta hurt.

King Of Comedy

Iowa Republican Representative Steve King would like you to know that white Americans are fighting a losing battle. Only, he doesn't want you, specifically, to know exactly what he thinks, because you might be one of those bleeding heart liberals who would mistake his position for racism; so, instead of baring his curdled soul in an interview with an American publication, he opened up to an Austrian publication. He sure is a profile in cautious courage.

It makes you wonder which part of western civilization King is determined to save. Pluralism? Nope. Freedom of expression? Not if you disagree with him. The rule of law? Only the laws he personally agrees with. The innate dignity of every human being? Please! - he isn't even a good argument for his own innate dignity!

No, what King seems to value more than anything out of western civilization is Duck Dynasty and monster trucks.

Are you sensing a theme in today's basket of deplorables? Fear of Democrats. Fear of immigrants. Fear of health care (of all things!). Fear of the end of civilization as we know it (a rather limited, blinkered vision of civilization, to be sure, but still). The American right wing is peddling fear on as many fronts as it can find them because, obviously, it does not have a positive message to give to the American people. As the fear is ratcheted up to a fever pitch, there is only one conclusion a reasonable observer can come to.

It must be an election year.