The Daily Me - itchy blenders

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:-( Nobody remembers the classics...

The Daily Me Staff

Math For People Who Don't Politics Good

Proposed questions for the math test of all new primary and secondary school teachers in Ontario.

1) If the province employs 126,000 teachers, and the budget for the Ministry of Education is cut by 15%, how many more votes can the Conservatives expect to get in the next election? a) 5.237
b) 10,009
c) 25.556

2) The average Ontario family will pay an extra approximately $500 per year at gas pumps to pay for the federal Liberal government's fight against the damage caused by carbon-based global climate change. In return, the federal government will give the average Ontario family a rebate of approximately $600 per year. If the provincial government refuses to be part of the plan, how many additional votes can the Conservatives expect to receive in the next election? a) 5.237
b) 10,009
c) 25.556

3) It is estimated that seven per cent of Ontario's population is LGBTQ. It is estimated that 21 per cent of Conservatives are queerphobic. How many new votes will the Conservatives earn in the next election if the Premier does not attend Gay Pride in Toronto? a) 5.237
b) 10,009
c) 25.556

SOURCE: The Smoking Gut


Trade Wars Are Easy To Win
Just Never Admit That You've Lost

In a preemptive strike against reality, economic advisers to President Donald Trump have warned that evidence of a slowing economy is not actually evidence of a slowing economy, but evidence that enemies of America, in talking about a slowing economy, are causing the economy to slow.

"Are average Americans better off than they were before the...just before?" asked acting chair of the Council of Economic Sycophants Tomas Philipson. "No, of course not. Programmes that used to help them keep their heads above water have been slashed and the cost of everything has started to rise. But only the Trump-hating media would see this as the loss of consumer confidence that could signal the onset of a recession!"

SOURCE: Wall Street Infernal


And We Appreciate Your Approval

Oh, boy.

There's climate change denial, then there's climate change "If you even think about going there, I will cut you." William Happer, a National Security Council senior director in the Trump administration, has earned his million dollar condo in the Basket of Deplorables for brandishing his six inch rhetorical knife.

As I Jew, I have always been happy to be compared to CO2 emissions that are causing the planet to heat up, with devastating consequences for all life, including human. I find it comforting to know that people like Happer believe that Jews are making a contribution to the world.

And, yet...

Is it wrong that the argument is being made by somebody who worked for an organization, the George C. Marshall Institute, that received money from an oil company, or that Happer has also taken a lot of money from Robert and Rebekah Mercer, far right wing billionaires who have funded climate denial campaigns? It must be wrong. Right? This would be like a Holocaust denier claiming he was a friend of carbon dioxide even as he took money from IG Farben.

Did I mention that his condo in the Basket of Deplorables has more floor space than a basketball arena? Confusion pays...

SOURCE: Karl's Big Red Web Page of Unreconstructed Marxism


It's Like Looking In A (Funhouse) Mirror

The corporate convulsions come as Chinese authorities adopt a strategy of increasingly harsh consequences, both for protesters now being cleared from the streets with powerful new weapons, such as water cannons, and for companies seen as sympathetic to a protest movement whose actions Beijing has likened to terrorism. U.S. President Donald Trump is threatening to use the emergency authority granted by a powerful but obscure federal law to make good on his tweeted "order" to U.S. businesses to cut ties with China amid a spiralling trade war between the two nations.

"Foreign companies should understand that it's impossible for them to profit from business with a country if they don't have the slightest respect for this country," said Mei Xinyu, an economist at the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation, a think tank under the Ministry of Commerce. "For all of the Fake News Reporters that don't have a clue as to what the law is relative to Presidential powers, China, etc., try looking at the Emergency Powers Act of 1977," Trump tweeted late Friday. "Case closed!"

SOURCE: 24 Hour News Mashups


Once Again, Turtle Wurtle Is Left Holding The Bag

Who approved of the billboard promoting Maxime Bernier that read "Say NO to Mass Immigration?"

"Not I," said the People's Party of Canada. Although "[T]he message on the billboard is not ‘controversial' for two-thirds of Canadians who agree with it, and for those who disagree but support free speech and an open discussion."

"Not I," said Pattinson Outdoor Advertising, the company which owns and operates the billboard.

"Certainly not I," said Frank Smeenk, the head of True North Strong & Free Advertising, which bought the ad on the billboard. "We completely disavow any sympathy with or support for the views expressed by the donors who paid for and selected the content of their advertising, which we were mistakenly not afforded an opportunity to first approve."

Bassett & Walker International, a company that specializes in the international trade of protein products that appears to have paid for the billboards, has yet to "Not I," but, really, it's only a matter of time.

Could...society be to blame?

SOURCE: The Quick and the Detwiler


Why Is Everybody Making Such A Fuss About A Character From The Andy Griffith Show?

MultiNatCorp (motto: "We do legal stuff, so be careful what you say and do around us") has settled a lawsuit with the US government, agreeing to pay US$572 million for its part in fuelling America's opioid epidemic. The odd thing about that is that, as far as anybody can tell, MultiNatCorp does not have a pharmaceutical arm that produces or distributes opioids.

"An Oklahoma judge ordered Johnson & Johnson to pay the state that much, ruling that it had fuelled their opioid epidemic," explained Ned Feeblish, MultiNatCorp Vice President, Public Reactions and Legal Actions, with wide-eyed wonder, "and their stock went up! At MultiNatCorp, we like to think that we can spot an opportunity to make a profit in the most unlikely circumstances. And, we couldn't think of any less likely than that!"

SOURCE: The Financial Riposte
