Deplorables Are as Deplorables Eww

When Administration Officials Start Dying Of COVID-19, Their Tombstones Should Read: "They Didn't Let Science Get In The Way"

White House press secretary Sean Spicer Sarah Sanders-Huckabee Kayleigh strikethrough? Okay, then. White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany learned very quickly that her job was not to supply reporters with facts. Facts are boring. Facts are confusing. Facts lead to theories, which, in extreme cases, could actually lead to a better understanding of the world and we can't have that!


So, she reads her opinions off a teleprompter that appears to be directly channelling President Trump's brain. He wants schools to open. Why? Who knows? Because he hates his children and wishes they would go back to school, but they're too old, so he projects his emotions onto every other parent in the country? Because people who are looking after children can't go to work, and those people are wrecking the economy and that makes him look bad‽ Because a silicon chip inside his head was switched to overload? You certainly won't find out from Kayleigh McEnany.

And, what about the consequences? Children don't die as often as adults, but the coronavirus does have physical effects that can cripple them for life. Perhaps President Trump is creating a new generation of voters for his 2036 re-election campaign? Naah. Two-dimensional tic tac toe doesn't have enough moves to project that far.

BEN Is Such A Rat!

One of the features (which bugs a lot of people) of the basket of deplorables is that it is big enough that if a bad idea is yelled sufficiently loud, it will echo throughout all of the residents' brains. Teeth-rattlingly echo. You don't need computer chips implanted in people's brains to communicate bad, mad and dangerous to know ideas directly with large numbers of people; you just need to live in a basket lined with materials to keep sound from getting out and scaring the horses.

Missouri Governor Mike Parson is clearly listening carefully to the basket echo network (BEN). As Kayleigh McEnany learned the impossible way (ie: not yet), children won't "just get over it." They will get sick for a very long time, quite possibly life. "We gotta move on," like belief in racial difference and support for the Toronto Maple Leafs, is a wish, not a scientific fact.

It makes you wonder if having all those loud, obnoxious ideas bouncing around in one's head does some kind of damage to the rational parts of the brain. If I lived in the basket of deplorables, I would assert that as fact, safe in the knowledge that BEN would supply me with a dozen similar "facts" before you had a chance to raise an objection. Since I live in the real world, I'll wait to see if research confirms my suspicions.

Projection: Not Just For Movie Theatres Any More!

Do deplorables know that they're deplorable? How would they? It must be really hard to hear what you are saying when you have the basket echo network constantly rattling around between your ears.

Take William Barr, the Trump Attorney General who has destroyed all of the norms of the Justice Department - he is accusing Democrats of wanting to tear the system down? Him? Bill Barr? The Trump Attorney General who has done you know what to ou know who? It's not just that he's living in a glass house, it's that BEN vibrates at a frequency that is just short of shattering the substance; you'd think one might be especially careful about throwing stones under those circumstances.

Victory is a secular religion to Democrats? Un hunh. Somebody who starts each public appearance with, "Our Donald who art in Oval, hallowed be thy message. Thy returns never come, thy bidding be done, in suburbs as it is in heaven!" (as Trump officials in the basket of deplorables tend to do) is lecturing others on secular religion with a straight-laced face?

God spare us!

I Don't Want To Be Part Of Your Revolution If That's The Only Tune I Can Dance To

Did you know that Benjamin Franklin was opposed to abortion and believed the world was only 7,000 years old? No? That's news to you? Well, it probably would have been news to him, too. He might, in fact, insist that anybody making that claim cease and deist.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo (who is no Benjamin Franklin, but who is these days?), speaking about a report by his Commission on Unalienable Rights, does an interesting rhetorical two-step, here:

1. Claim that there are rights beyond the ones listed in the Constitution, and;

2. Wave away the importance of the rights in the actual Constitution in favour of the ones you introduced in Step 1.

Thus, Pompeo dances away from the rights you believe are important and towards those he believes are important. A woman's right to choose what to do with her own body? That right is wrong. Don't want to be discriminated against for jobs or housing on the basis of race? You just can't seem to get anything right.

The Founding Fathers, seeing how much political power religions had in the Europe they were trying to define the United States against, refused to develop a state religion. Only in the basket of deplorables can you find people who revere the Constitution while completely rejecting the parts they don't like.

I wonder if the basket of deplorables network is drowned out by cognitive dissonance...