Headlines Slipped on a Banana Peel and Fell Into Love

For Best Results, Stick Your Body Up To Your Waist In The Sand

"'Now is not the time to stick your head in the sand'" - Toronto Star

It Starts In The Home

"Xenophobia has no place in our politics" - Toronto Star

Give Yourself A Compassion Enema

"Strategies for dealing with 'news fatigue' - Toronto Star

How Many Stories Up You Jump From?

"Stocks are in chaos. Control the one thing you can" - Toronto Star

Cows Are Easier, But Okay

"A Climate Tipping Point" - New York Times

It Won't Be Any Old Complaint, Either
No, This One Will Be Sternly Worded!

"Ottawa to step up pressure on Iran over crash probe
Tehran could face complaint at UN body if it fails to turn over black boxes, minister warns" - Toronto Star

I'm Sorry, But Can You Slow Down? I'm Still Two Eras Behind

"Welcome to a new era of the digital age" - Toronto Star

Things That Make You Go, "Hmm..."

"Media must reflect the community it serves" - Toronto Star

"Gov't not doing enough
As world acts on coronavirus, Trudeau appoints a committee" - Toronto Sun

"Pay attention Trump: Trudeau's coronavirus response is a lesson in leadership" - Globe and Mail

Don't Be Such A Drama Queen
Breakups Are Hard, Especially When They Are With Reality

"Money will never be the same again" - Toronto Star

"But…It Makes My Face Hurt"

"Del Duca reflects on his political life: 'You need to smile more'" - Toronto Star

This Is Canada, Where We Have Our Own Definition Of "Essential Services"

"LCBO to reduce operating hours
Outlets open later, close earlier in line with state of emergency declaration" - Toronto Star

...And Our Own Unique Set Of Priorities

"Virus concerns spark rush orders on maple syrup" - Toronto Star

More Gold Stars For Everybody!

"How employers can create a culture of recognition
Nearly 40 per cent of respondents to a recent survey said they don't feel valued at their jobs, and workplaces must address this" - Globe and Mail

That's Racist!

The city's quietest St. Patrick's Day - bar none" - Toronto Star

Hopefully Not The Middle Ages

"The Supreme Court's carbon-tax ruling will be one for the ages" - Globe and Mail

Thank Goodness Somebody's Not Listening!

"Tories call for cuts to spending in Canada
Federal cupboards are bare, finance critic says ahead of budget" - Toronto Star

"Child care, education among affordability fears
Federal budget to address climate change, cost of living, minister says" - Toronto Star

You Just Have To Find A Way Out Of The Box You're In...

"Curiosity killed the cat, but it's still a vital mindset" - Globe and Mail

Not If Everybody Speaks As Fast As Your Headline

Some parents feel attending events can help children understand the importance of causes" - Toronto Star

Most Of Us Will Settle For A C-Plus, Though, As We Always Do

"This is a national test for us. Failure is not an option" - Toronto Star

If They Supported The Measures, They Wouldn't Be Opposing...

"Opposition parties describe measures as inadequate" - Toronto Star

That's Comforti - WHAT‽

"It may not look like it, but there's a plan
The WHO's response framework was signed by 196 countries after SARS, but most aren't using it" - Toronto Star

I Don't Have q-mail, And p-mail Just Sounds Gross

"Mind your p's and q's and e-mails" - Globe and Mail

But, They Already Are:
Doing Nothing Is As Radical As It Gets!

"Companies should propose radical climate change solutions" - Toronto Star

I'll Clear Space On My Calendar...

"Building an eco-friendly portfolio while steering clear of 'greenwashing'
Some funds that claim to be environmentally responsible may not meet investors' needs" - Globe and Mail

"Supreme Court decision could help former N.S. Crown lawyer sue Premier for libel" - Globe and Mail

"Tourism jobs at risk over virus
50 million could be lost due to slump" - Toronto Sun

"Why you should watch consumer spending
If households pull back, business' outlooks will darken, which could have an effect on the surging stock market" - Globe and Mail


"City food may make coyotes more aggressive" - Toronto Star

"In 2020, Pope Francis may prove to be a great friend of Islam" - Globe and Mail

"Canada's stock market may shine brighter in 2020" - Toronto Star

"Peleton ad backlash may not be such a bad thing for company stock" - Globe and Mail

Oh, No! That's Terrible! That -

"Canadian recession looming: economists" - New York Times

Oh! I...Don't Feel So Bad, Now...

"Economists see rising risks of recession world-wide
Overall impact of virus depends on how quickly authorities can control it" - Toronto Star

But...If Ottawa Stops Giving Corporations Charity, How Will CEOs Earn Their Annual Bonuses?

"Corporate charity gets us only so far. Ottawa must step up" - Toronto Star

The Three People Outside The Industry Who Are Aware Of Such Things Will Mourn

"What Cineplex's sale means for Canadian film
After British Cineworld Group's purchase of the company, cultural figures and organizations worry that support for homegrown productions could diminish significantly" - Globe and Mail

Eating All That Food Can Be Highly Comforting, Too

"How to stock your pantry the smart way
Being prepared can provide sense of control during trying times" - Toronto Star

But Some Of Us Are More All In This Together Than Others

"The lesson: We're all in this together" - Toronto Star