And the Deplorables Just Keep On Coming!

Unpalatable Graham Cracker

By this time, we should all be used to Republican Senator Lindsey Graham speaking out of both sides of his...tongue. But when it does happen, it's still ewwwwww!

Like many Republican politicians these days, Graham is a bundle of cognitive dissonance on two legs. On the one hand, they love former President Donald Trump, who they believe will lead them to the promised land where taxes are a myth and gays and women know their place. On the other hand, they hate Russia, the evil empire that haunts their dreams still. So, when Trump praises Russian leader Vladimir Putin, how are they supposed to react?

Exploding heads would seem the obvious choice, but ewwwwww! Squared!

Don't shed a tear for Graham. All roads in the basket of deplorables lead to Mar-a-Lago. He'll just hop on a plane, play a quick nine holes of absolution with the Deplorable-in-Chief and be back defending Trump's treasonous actions before you can say, "Cognitive what now?"

May The Road Risible With You

When you sit in the House of Representatives without feeling the need to sit on committees, meet with constituents or have any policy goals you would like to achieve, you have a lot of time on your hands. This is not a problem for Marjorie Taylor Greene, whose life's ambition appears to be to make a living being a full-time deplorable.

This is not as easy as you may think. Even a deplorable has to stop talking once in a while, if only to take a breath before making their next risible statement. Or, as the folk wisdom has it, even a broken Ted Cruz is right twice in a blue moon.

One can imagine Mags (that's what her best friends would call her if deplorables had friends) filling her copious free time with a steady diet of MSNBC (to determine what she is against) and Fox News (to determine what lies she's going to tell about it). And coming up with...this.

As the owner of the camp in question pointed out, the non-binary counsellors who stay with girls at their camp are "not biologically male," but why let facts get in the way of a good deplore? Throw in some trans hatred (which is more acceptable in the basket than trans fats, alas) and an undisguised call to gay bash, and you have classic Taylor Greene. Sadly. Because, like Coke, some classics just don't age well.

If It Withholds Economic Opportunity From Visible Minorities, Employs The Justice System To Keep Them Repressed And Uses Its Media Dominance To Convince Itself That They Themselves Are To Blame For Their Inferior Social Position, Then, Yeah, Snow Is Racist
Why? Do You Know Snow That Does That?

Kevin Sorbo, please stop. You're embarrassing your neighbours in the basket of deplorables, and it's virtually impossible to do that to people who have no shame. Just...stop.

The Republican Congressional Troll Patrol Learned From The Master

Is it just me, or is Russian President Vladimir Putin the spitting image of Yul Brynner in the original Westworld? The same determined chin. The same twitchy trigger finger. The same dead eyes. The only difference is that Brynner's gunslinger didn't have much dialogue, while Putin loves to talk. Well, that and Brynner didn't take his shirt off...

With so much disinformation (what, in the pre-information era we used to call propaganda, or children to this day innocently call lies), it's hard to know where to start unpacking. THE PANTS: the people of Crimea did make a free decision to reunite with Russia...if you consider an invasion by a foreign military force freedom. Wittgenstein might have had something to say about that....not that any of us would understand it...

SHIRTS: And when did Jews become the new Nazis? Ukrainian President Volodomyr Zelenskyy is a Jew who lost family members in the Holocaust - not an obvious candidate for the ultimate fascist. Oh, and he was elected by a majority of Ukrainians, including majorities in Crimea and Sevastapol - no need to be putschy.

Putin is obviously playing on Russian nostalgia for World War II. Forget the brutal ground war. And the starvation. And the terrible anthems. The fight against the Nazis was Russia's last just war, and it solidifies the Russian people even as it mystifies everybody else in the world.

UNDERWEAR: I have no doubt Putin had no intention of occupying Ukraine - he wanted a quick decapitation of the Ukraine government so that he could install puppets loyal to him. Sneaky. But as video of neighbourhoods levelled by bombing remind us, no battle plan survives first contact with the enemy. Or, as the folk wisdom also has it, feed an oligarchy, starve a military.

In the basket of deplorables, that's how you deal with a Cold...War...