The Sun'll Come Up, Deplorable...

One Person Who Never Learned How To Wax Eloquent...

Don't hate me because I'm beautiful. Or rich. Or fabulously cultured. Hate me because my civilization has provided me with all of these things by exploiting your civilization.

...Is something you will never hear Amy Wax, a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania, say. Especially not to White Grievance Propagator-in-Chief Tucker Carlson.

Leaving aside the fact that Wax is much better known for her racist commentary than her contributions to legal scholarship, you have to wonder about the quality of her legal reasoning when she openly spouts racist viewpoints like this. Take, for example - what? How can I comment about something after I just said that we should leave it aside? I learned rhetoric from the master.

As for the Brahmins being "taught that they're better than everybody else," well, that would just make them Americans, wouldn't it? In the Basket of Deplorables, the houses are made of glass and they are all just a stone's throw away from each other.

When It Comes To Being Deplorable, Some People Fake It Until They're So Good At Faking It That They Lose Track Of What's Real

How often do we have to point out that Senator Ted Cruz went to Harvard before we have to admit that an Ivy League education doesn't keep somebody from taking up permanent residence in the Basket of Deplorables?

We get it. He disagrees with the Walt Disney Corporation's decision to oppose, however belatedly and timidly, Florida's "Don't say gay" law. But what kind of mind would jump from that premise to the conclusion that beloved Disney characters will soon be having gay cartoon animal sex with each other? I'm pretty sure they don't teach that kind of reasoning at Harvard (except, perhaps, in Cartoon Character Sodomy 401, but that's an advanced course that nobody has taken in decades; honestly, sometimes I think it's kept on the course roster just to make Harvard look more interesting than it actually is).

Besides, Paul Krassner beat him to the image by about 55 years, but the editor of The Realist knew he was making a joke.

No, really, we get it. Ted, who like every other Republican politician, has ambitions to run for President, never misses an opportunity to pander to the other residents of the Basket. Still, how frequently do you have to make outrageous statements before the rest of the world has to admit that no, you just don't know any better?

"Libs Should Suck It - Ha Ha Ha!" Isn't So Much A Vague Idea As It Is An Expression Of Inchoate Rage

There is a theory - well, more a series of observations than a theory - no, if I'm being totally honest, a vague idea rather than a series of observations - there is a vague idea that members of an oppressed group should have empathy for other oppressed groups because of their shared history of suffering. There is a countervailing vague idea that libs should suck it - ha ha ha! I'm sure you can guess which vague idea prevails in the Basket of Deplorables.

Vernon Jones, former Republican Georgia State Representative now running for Congress, seemed to be competing in the Oppression Olympics when he defended legislation like Florida's "don't say gay" bill. Gays can pass for straights (as if a straight could ever be that fabulous!). Blacks can't change the colour of their skin, but gays can stop being gay whenever they choose (sorry, but science has proven that fabooness is a condition one is born with that cannot be changed). Gays were never slaves (but...but - okay, score one for the homophobe).

Gays don't know oppression like blacks, the argument seems to go, so gays are not oppressed. Unfortunately for Jones, this only wins him a silver medal at the Oppression Olympics. Because the Holocaust always wins the gold. Always. By his absolutist reasoning, then, blacks have never been oppressed, either.

Vernon! Oppression is not a serial activity: racists can walk, chew gum, enslave people with a different skin colour, build crematoria and subject gay people to "conversion therapy" all at the same time. Not only that, but one group that has been historically oppressed can turn around and oppress another group that has been historically oppressed.

It's the cycle of strife.